Real Estate

Franchises that are involved with selling, buying, managing, and staging commercial or residential properties.

Types of Real Estate Businesses

In the real estate industry there are options in property management, property maintenance, home inspections, staging, and buying properties to rent or flip and sell. There are several great options in this industry. With most of these options you are selling a service and don’t need to have a large physical location. They can be run with very little employees saving you a lot of overhead expenses.

small, fake house in the foreground on a desk with keys, someone writing in the background

Initial Investment

The investment range is fairly low for this industry. It’s anywhere between $50K - $200K, most of which will be in the $100K - $150K start up cost range. A few options do need a very small office space that you rent out, but none of them require a large physical space. The only exception is the options in home staging. You will need to have a location to house the materials - but it does not need to be a client facing location, so it doesn’t need to be in a prime real estate area.

Day In The Life

You will spend a lot of your time working directly with people. You will be going out into the community networking, meeting with investors, homeowners, renters, property owners, etc. You may have 1-5 employees, so you will also need to manage them. For some of these brands you will need to get your real estate license. You don’t need to have it before joining, as it will be part of the training program. Some do not require it at all though. You will need to have some administrative skills or hire someone for that role.

Ideal Candidate

The ideal candidate in this industry is usually coming from Corporate America. They are used to working with executives and a lot of times come from a sales or marketing background. They have skills in leadership and vision, marketing and public relations and are high achievers. They are strong communicators, enjoy networking and are outgoing people.

Why We Like This Industry

The real estate industry is hot right now. More and more people are renting which means there are more opportunities for a lot of the brands in this category. This isn’t a fad or something that is going to go away. There will always be people buying, selling, renting their properties which means all of these businesses will have customers. The low initial investment, combined with the fact that you don’t need expensive inventory and 0 to low employee count makes this an industry that is easy to get into.